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my KlezKamp 2003 best memory

Sorry that my postings are always late-- I get the mailing list digested, so
by the time I respond, it is another day.
   Anyway, I definitely have my one most memorable experience of this, my
first klezkamp.
It was late Sunday nite, about 1:30 AM, and Frank London's All-Stars were
bringing down the house, when I just got a bit saturated with the brass
sound, and I wondered down the hall towards the hotel lobby. From one of the
rooms (happened to be next to the video game room) I heard soft music--
sounded like a CD player. So I peeked in: this was no CD player!
 Cookie (violin), Josh Horowitz (Budowitz accordion) and Henry Sapoznik
(tenor guitar) were playing together. Nobody else in the room. They would
play a string of tunes, talk it over, do another one. So, I just sat in the
far corner (no tape, nothing) and  tried to blend in with the furniture...
Just sat there and listened for about 40 minutes. Beautiful stuff... Just
watched them work their magic..
And that ended the Kamp on a high note!
Vlad Liberman 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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