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Re: Ludwig Satz...

I don't remember that one - but Moyshe Oysher also sang it in one of his
films - the scene is the one in the Roumanian restaurant and it's his
impromptu debut. He does a duet with the leading lady - I forget her name.

Sylvia Schildt
Baltimore, Maryland

on 12/30/03 6:45 PM, Trudi Goodman at goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone remembers the name of the Yiddish film with Ludwig
Satz where he is singing BELZ??  I think that Pesach Bernstein is in it
also. They sing BELZ as a duet in it.
Something like American Lawyer??? I don't think it's the film, AMERICAN

Trudi Goodman

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