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sad news

sad news

Bob's dad George Robert Pearson died last monday... in his 87th year
David and I were driving home from  NYC when the phone call came.. And 
so we drove directly up to the farm...
this last week was spent in mourning/grieving mode..... with three 
separate visitations
George had a wonderful 86 years... we knew it was coming but it is 
still difficult.
he was greatly loved by his community and family.... Folks came from 
all over
the funeral had almost 500 people in attendance. Tara and I sang 

Bob has a couple of weeks off work now and so we we'll be taking it 
easy and hanging close to home with a trip or two up to the farm to see 
his mom..

wishing you a wonderful week at Klezkamp and then a bonne fetes à Paris!

Love to all
and of course
Happy Hanukah

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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