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Re: Strauss/Warschauer Duo in Los Angeles (Workshops and Concert with Theo Bikel)

> The Strauss/Warschauer Duo is in Los Angeles for the Fourth Annual 
> Winter
> Yiddish Intensive, "The Art of Yiddish."
> The Duo is presenting workshops on Yiddish song and Yiddish dance 
> throughout
> the week.

Ot Azoy!!!!  And has this been a TON of fun so far!!!  If you haven't 
joined on and are in the Los Angeles area, it's not too late!  If 
you're at all familiar with UCLA (and even if you're not!), everything 
is currently taking place in Royce Hall on the first and 3rd floors, so 
trip on in, look for Miriam Koral, and join in the fun!  It's been such 
a treat to get to meet Jeff and Deborah (such beautiful dresses!), 
Pesach Fiszman and his wonderful and funny mayses, and our list's own 
incredibly warm and knowledgeable Robert Cohen introducing us to some 
rare gems of early Yiddish recordings!  Sheva Zucker is with us, 
teaching level 3 Yiddish (for the students out there using the blue 
book for learning, here's the genuine article!) along with several 
other of the best Yiddish teachers around!

Hope to see a few more of you out here!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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