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Klezmer Jam Sessions

Hello list! I just wrote a long answer to that post a week ago asking about 
klezmer jams and my computer wiped it out!! so here's the short version!

The only requirements for successful jam sessions are to be flexible! I bring 
charts, and we also play by ear depending on who shows up and what they can do. 
 I usually have to do a lot of leading to get the whole thing rolling musically.

We have food, and a very casual atmosphere, so it's a social thing.  It's free, 
but it's in Astoria which is hard to get to, so opening up the doors somehow 
hasn't caused a stampede! 

A "successful" klezmer jam depends on how you define success.  I started this 
session in the aftermath of 9/11 when New Yorkers needed places and ways to 
come together around something positive.  I've kept it going because it builds 
community.  Not only does it allow less experienced players to perform in front 
of an audience, but it allows older people in Queens, who can't make it into 
Manhattan or maybe can't afford a $10 ticket a chance to come out and hear 
music.  For many of them, this is their big night out.

Our jam has nothing to do with money - it's free, and no one gets paid, and 
that's my choice.  We've had anywhere from 15 musicians to one musician show up 
- and I can't say which night was more "successful" - because the night it was 
only me and a drummer, two of the "listeners" in the audience started singing 
old Yiddish theatre songs and sang some I had never heard before - shared some 
memories we might not get to hear again.  That was a beautiful night.

Usually it's just our rowdy gang.

December 17:  A FREE monthly klezmer jam session, hosted by clarinetist Margot 
Leverett, is held at Astoria Center of Israel, 27-35 Crescent Street, Astoria 
(N or W to 30th Ave) , 7:00-9:30 pm. All levels welcome, feel free to come 
listen, play or dance! (718) 278-2680.  This month is our special Chanukah 
celebration so come early for latkes and jelly donuts!

Margot Leverett
Margotlev (at) opexonline(dot)com
(718) 545-9404


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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