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Re: Klezmer Jam

Here in Berlin there's a monthly klezmer session, every 15th, in the evening
in a cafe/bar. Relaxed atmosphere, mixed levels. No one is really leading,
but there are two 'hosts', at least one of them is always there. Every
person can propose a tune if he/she feels like it, and the others see
whether they can follow - which is mostly the case, because a common
repertoire sort of established itself over the years. If there is played an
'unknown'/new tune, people who don't know it will just listen or quietly try
along by ear, (mostly) without getting disturbing. Sometimes non-klezmer
tunes are brought in (Balkan tunes). Every level is served, also beginners
get a chance to experience playing for an audience.
The session is free, food and drinks can be ordered, and if the owner is in
a good mood and had enough customers she will spend (part of the) drinks.
The relaxed atmosphere is nice, although sometimes it can be a bit too
relaxed and it gets musically messy. So I guess the session here could use
some rules or a leader...
In Amsterdam a monthly session  has just been organised (every 1rst thursday
of the month). Haven't attended there (yet!).
Last summer in Weimar Brave Old World & Frank London did some very nice hand
on classes on sessions on different levels.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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