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Klezmer this coming Summer

Our Summer Academy of Jewish Music is growing all the time. The unique
taster course in Yiddish language and culture that gives you the opportunity
of immersing yourself for a week, run by Helen Beer is especially for those
that might not have the confidence and time to devote a whole summer to
Yiddish, but have always longed to give it a try. Our students last year
were aged from 18 to 89, girls and boys, Jewish and not, completer beginners
to fluent speakers. Everyone loved it. One of our graduates is now doing a
Masters degrees at the University of London.

Our Klezmer Academy (KlezFest London) has settled down to be a dynamic
structured and inspiring course of study, led by the most inspiring Klezmer
Luminaries. It is geared to keen and proficient instrumentalists in folk or
classical traditions. Some are orchestral players, some conservatoire
students, some bankers and booksellers.  There are masterclasses with Alan
Bern for  existing bands.  It also has a vocal programme for serious singers
and their accompanists.  It starts and ends the day with dance.

As Abbi wood says, ' If you weren't there, it's difficult to sum up KlezFest
in just a few words. While the rest of London was distracted by the
Wimbledon final and the hottest weather of the year, eighty or so of us
slipped off to Yiddishland for a week. It began in style, .....  The
audience was dancing in the aisles: the KlezFest spirit had arrived.  (if
you want to read more of her article in the latest jmi newsletter go to (or ask me and I can post
you the whole article)

Yiddish course this coming Summer is from Sunday 1 to Friday 6 August
followed by KlezFest London Sunday 8 to Thursday 12. there are inducements
to do both courses.

If you wan to ask any questions please email me.  Details and registration
from will soon be on the jmi website

Hope to see some of you.


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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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