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Re: A hartsige dank, todah rabah, and thanks

Omeyn fun Canada oykhet... even though obviously our pilgrims landed a tad earlier in the year then yours...

I am the worst speller in the world so, with apologies and no slight intended, I want to draw your attention NOT to misspelling in transliteration, but to mispronunciation....

incase there are those on list who don't know the expression is

Biz a hundert un tsvanzik....

I had a lovely gentleman come up to me last week in Montreal after a concert and as I bent down to hear him better he whispered ,
Kh'bin dray un nantsik yor alt... and then he stole a kiss!

my response?

Ikh vintsh aykh.. Biz a hundert un tsvanzik!

Can you stuff and broil tofu?

what a great card... missed it the first time...

On Nov 27, 2003, at 12:48 PM, MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

<x-tad-smaller>In a message dated 11/27/2003 11:42:12 AM Central Standard Time, dancinsteve (at) comcast(dot)net writes:</x-tad-smaller>
<x-tad-smaller>Can I get an Omeyn?</x-tad-smaller>
<x-tad-smaller> </x-tad-smaller>
<x-tad-smaller>OMEYN!  Biz a hundret un tzansig!</x-tad-smaller>
<x-tad-smaller>Here's a happy (vegetarian) Thanksgiving to all:</x-tad-smaller>

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