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mp3 com

I've never heard of mp3 com.
Seriously. I mean, I really haven't. I know mp3's are things people
occasionally send me in files that take forever to download over my slow
phone line but are really useful when they're specific things I need
faster than cassettes or cds go by mail, and see mp3 players for sale
all the time, and they look neat and lightweight, I keep thinking I
should get one on some vague principle.
But I actually never have heard of mp3s with a com after them.
SO I guess I won't miss mp3 com
But I have an awful lot of great music at home in formats that nobody
seems to be worrying about their being made unavailable on the net,
largely because I guess they're not on the net.
Most of it has been acquired in ways that at least somewhere along the
chain help people like Simon to, as he wistfully puts it, "eek out a


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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