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Re: eliyahu hanovi / dayenu

On >Eliyahu ha Navi< it´s always >traditional< or >folk tune< in those sources 
I know.

With >Dayenu< it´s the same. 
(I found >Dayenu - Composed by: E. Kalendar - © 1997< [The World's Most Popular 
Jewish Songs, Volume 2 - Sheet Music Songbook;], but this I have only 
from Internet , so couldn´t have a look into it whether it is the right song. I 
assume it is one of the new Dayenus.)
>This traditional Passover song is over a thousand years old.< (from Zemerl).

Sorry, no other information found? I would guess that there may be no composer 
known by name.


Zitat von Lori M Simon <lorelecs (at) juno(dot)com>:

> Thanks Lynda.  Anyone else?  I know that many of the melodies we think of
> as traditional or folk actually have composers and that melodies we think
> of as ancient are oftentimes not all that old.
> Lori
> On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 14:58:26 EST Buby8 (at) aol(dot)com writes:
> in my song books, 5 , neither song is credited to a composer. 
> lynda A Cohen 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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