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Rainlore's World of Music - Updates, new reviews

Apologies for yet another prolonged absence. And deepest apologies to
anybody I still owe mail - I'm trying to catch up as fast as I can, the
backlog's now down to around 150 (plus around 500 list messages to catch up

The main Jewish Music page of Rainlore's World of Music has now been moved

Recent new reviews, one an illustrated review of Daphna Sadeh and the
Voyagers (with a new all-star line up that's a real killer!) at Momo, a
popular club in London's West End, the other the recent Giora Feidman
Quartet date at the Union Chapel in Islington, North London, are here:

Both reviews are lavishly illustrated with photographs of each event, no
expense or effort spared! ;-)

Please also note that the email address for the website has changed, to
rainlore (at) blueyonder(dot)co(dot)uk(dot) My personal email address has 
likewise changed,
and my email address in respect of this list will also change shortly - as
soon as I've caught up and am reasonably up to date. (The old addresses
have become virtually unuseable - the account gets flooded with , by the
latest reckoning, at least 10,000 spam messages per month, and filtering
has become almost useless.)

More reviews shortly, including more illustrated live event ones and even a
(long overdue) book review.

The calendar feature ( ) is also
pretty much up to date now, and I hope everybody will keep sending in
details of their UK events as early as possible.

"Renaissance Man"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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