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FleytMuzik at tonic/nyc Dec 21

Hi all,
Just wanted to give a little heads up a few weeks in advance in case there 
were some of you might be in NYC area for the first Chanuka weekend.
On December 21 I will be performing with Pete Rushevsky and Marty Confurius 
(Cookie MAY join in on a set if she can briefly tear herself away from a family 
fete...) at Tonic. We'll be performing most of the Fleyt album but also 
additional Gulerman and Triplik/Beregovski tunes, a couple of which will 
performed on my "new" simple-system J. Zimmermann flute, c. 1899.   It's a 
great sounding gem of an instrument if I can remember most of the fingerings... 
I'm gettin' there.... Anyway, I'd love to see many of you and maybe it'll be a 
nice warm afternoon like it's supposed to be this Sunday :-) Each set will be 
different so come to both and shmooze in between.
The usual Tonic info: 1:30/3:00; $10/$15; 107 Norfolk St., Manhattan. 
( for more directions)
Here are a few snippits from reviews of the album:

I can't think of a stronger case being made for the flute as an essential 
klezmer instrument (besides the historical fact that Old World kapelyes often 
included flutes) than this album, particularly Adrianne Greenbaum's spirited 
playing on her own composition, 'Di Terkishe Fleyt,' which boasts the soulful 
vibrancy, wit and virtuosity of the great clarinetists like Brandwein and 
With tsimblist Josh Horowitz, fiddler Cookie Segelstein and bassist Marty 
Confurius, Greenbaum has assembled a gorgeous neo-traditional ensemble of 
classical proportions. Call her the Andy Statman of the klezmer flute. -- Seth 
Rogovoy, author, "The Essential Klezmer: A Music Lover's Guide to Jewish Roots 
Soul Music"

I am awestruck, and am not going to waste further verbiage trying to describe 
what an amazing, beautiful, virtuosic album this is. If you like klezmer, or 
you like flute, or if you didn't know that you liked either, this will still 
be your favorite album for a long time. This CD, by Klezical Tradition's 
Adrianne Greenbaum, opens with a stunning, muscular flute doina and never 
.....It's classical klezmer featuring a variety of vintage flutes for the 
period sound. But this is also classical music grounded in dance tradition. 
Playing the older wooden flutes makes a difference. This music swings. It also 
has power. And yet, it is also very modern. It blows my mind to the 
possibilities of klezmer the way Andy Statman and Zev Feldman's groundbreaking 
Klezmer Music" of 20 years ago made me first excited about klezmer.  Ari 

....FleytMuzik to me is the most exciting new klezmer recording since the old 
"Jewish Klezmer Music" by Zev Feldman, Andy Statman and Marty Confurius (the 
latter of whom also features on this album) in the 70s. It is fresh, 
refreshing, marvelously joyous and soulful at once - it's everything the best 
music, and the best music per se, should be, music that not only the ears 
listen to but the heart as well, and music that delights both.   ...Rainlore 

... Indeed Adrianne is a master on the flute and without any problem she 
knows how to interprete the klezmer music in a professional and personal way. 
Because of the good co-operation with the other musicians she creates a full 
and each song is a pleasure to listen to. Besides that the musicians manage 
to make all tunes sound like they were meant to be together on a cd. They are 
not just fragments but brought together in such a professional way that 
Fleytmuzik sounds like one piece of music of almost an hour that is a pleasure 
hear. –FolkWorld Magazine

For more info, reviews and other flute info please visit
See yas!
Adrianne Greenbaum &
Associate Professor of Flute, Mount Holyoke College
Klezmer flutist: “FleytMuzik” and “Family Portrait”
Classical: "Sounds of America"
fluteworld or cdbaby

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