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RE: Jewish Musics

I am guessing from your letter that you are referring to Klezmer music, as
that is what most of the discussion on this list is about; and I also am
guessing that you are in Israel (from your name and your email address).
And the truth is that almost all the discussion and concert announcements on
this list refer to music outside of Israel.  One would think that there is
much more Klezmer music among the goyim than here in the P.L. (promised

A place for you to start might be the monthly Klezmer club that meets on the
last Saturday evening of every month at Beit Levik in Tel Aviv. It is on Dov
Hoz Street, phone is 03-5231830.

joel epstein
moshav magshimim 56910
972-3-7255889 (fax)
yoel (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il

> ------------------------------
> Message-ID: <002e01c3a9f6$97547750$0101c80a (at) shlosha>
> From: "Shlomo Shamir" <shlo-sha (at) bezeqint(dot)net>
> To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> I am looking for jewish songs and musics.
> Iam hoping to listen to some ones too and not only geting sea of words an=
> d speeches abot musics.
> Where may I find and listen to this nice musics ?
> Shlomo

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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