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Re: Los Pasharos Sefaradis

On 4 Nov 2003 at 22:53, Sandra Layman wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is an outlet in the US for the recordings of Los
> Pasharos Sefaradis (a Sephardic group from Turkey)?
> I've just been listening to some samples on their site, at
> An e-mail address and fax number (in Istanbul) is given for orders, but I'm
> wondering if there's an alternative source.
> Thanks,
> Sandra
I would like to recommend 

and if you order only one, I would recommend Zemirot over Kantikas 
Para Syempre . My mother and I bought both in Istanbul, at the jewish 
museum and like Zemirot a little better. 
If you like this you wioll also like yahudice. This I ordeerd from 
hatikvahmusic. A beautifull cd with a lot of information.


+-- Bart J. Mendelson
Zutphen Nederland

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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