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Gevaltig kavehoyz mit Strauss/Warschauer in awvunt

Just back from E 21 St in the city (ny) where Devoira Strauss and Jeff
Warschauer gave us a great time at the Congress for Jewish Culture's 
KaveHoys (good pastry, too!)

After a wonderful concert, Jeff suggested a "bisl tanzen" and that's just
what happened.  It was well worth the trip into the city (I'm working out
of town this week).  They are both wonderful musicians individually, and
when they work together the eye contact and communication between them
is delightful and enviable.

And the tune about "When Mosiach Comes to New York" was wonderful - I wish
it were on their gevaltid CD!

Thanks to Dr Gottesman and the CJC and other sponsers - it was splendid!


r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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