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Upcoming Performances

I have a few gigs coming up between now and the end of the year.  Hope you can 
make one of them.  


Saturday, November 1, with pianist Rex Cadwallader at Sage American Bar and 
Grill, 100 South Water Street, New Haven, (203) 787-3466. 

Monday, November 3, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood 
Tree with Will Bartlett on reeds and percussion, Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin 
Carter, Jr., on drums, on tenor saxophone, Stacy Phillips on 
dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on African drums and percussion. The 
Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main Street in Middletown and the phone 
number is (860) 347-4957.

Tuesday, November 4 at 8:00 p.m., the SCSU Creative Music Orchestra, David 
Chevan, director, end of the semester Concert extravaganza in the Charles 
Garner Recital Hall (Room 115) in Engleman Hall of Southern Connecticut State 
University in New Haven, Connecticut, admission is $3.00, please call (203) 
392-6630 for more information.

Thursday, November 13, at 8:00 p.m. the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE Collis Common 
Ground, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire

Friday, November 14, at 7:30 p.m., The Art of Trio, at the Milford Center for 
the Arts. with Rex Cadwallader and special guest Marty Ehrlich, at 40 Railroad 
Avenue South, Milford, (203) 878-6647. 

Saturday, November 22, at 7:00 p.m. the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE will join 
fellow artists Yossi Chajes, Cantor Shoshana Lash, Diane Orson, Rick Calvert 
and Dorothy Goldberg in a Concert for Peace at Congregation Mishkan Israel, 785 
Ridge Road, Hamden, Connecticut, 203-288-3877.

Monday, December 1, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE 8:30 p.m. at the Buttonwood 
Tree with Will Bartlett on reeds and percussion, Warren Byrd on piano, Alvin 
Carter, Jr., on drums, on tenor saxophone, Stacy Phillips on 
dobro and violin and Baba David Coleman on African drums and percussion. The 
Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main Street in Middletown and the phone 
number is (860) 347-4957.

December 4, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE will be playing from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. 
at ChanukaMania! at West Hartford Center. Our performance will be in in the 
marble lobby of the Central Theater building, 970 Farmington AVenue, WEst 
Hartford, Connecticut, call 860-231-2424 ext. 3010 for details.

December 7, the AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE makes its first public performance in 
New York in over a year at the Klezmer Brunch at TONIC. TONIC is located at 107 
Norfolk in New York City and the phone number is 212-358-7501. Sets are at 1:30 
and 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday, December 9, at 8:00 p.m., the SCSU Creative Music Orchestra, David 
Chevan, director, end of the semester Concert extravaganza in the Charles 
Garner Recital Hall (Room 115) in Engleman Hall of Southern Connecticut State 
University in New Haven, Connecticut, admission is $3.00, please call (203) 
392-6630 for more information.

Friday, December 12, at 7:30 p.m., The Art of Trio, at the Milford Center for 
the Arts. with Rex Cadwallader and special guest Chris Morrison, at 40 Railroad 
Avenue South, Milford, (203) 878-6647.

December 25 Annual Family and Community Concert of Jewish Music at 5:00 p.m, 
featuring Cantor Shoshana Lash, Dorothy Goldberg and the Congregation Mishkan 
Israel Kapelye led by David Chevan, Congregation Mishkan Israel, 785 Ridge 
Road, Hamden, CT. For further information, call (203) 288-3877

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