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Polish Jewish music featured in Journal

Gut Woche Friends:

The Polish Music Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, Summer 2003 has several articles on 
Jewish music. It's an online journal with the full text of the articles 
available to the public. These articles were mainly from a conferece held in 
1998 in LA on Polish/Jewish music. There are also other articles of Jewish 
interest in the back issues of the journal. Member-of-the-list Hankus Netsky 
was one of the authors.

There are several articles worth our attention from this recent issue 

Marian Fuks: Musical Traditions of Polish Jews

Maciej Go³¹b: Józef Koffler: The First Polish Composer of Twelve-Tone Music

Martin Schüssler: "Karol Rathaus?An American Composer of Polish Origin:" The 
Development of an Americanized View of Rathaus and its Consequences for the 
Reception of His Music

Hankus Netsky: Three Twentieth-Century Jewish Musicians from Poland: Frydman, 
Rosner, and Bazyler

 Bret Werb: "Majufes: A Vestige of Jewish Traditional Song in Polish Popular 

Here's the URL:


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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