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WOW! Margot Leverett & the Klezmer Mountain Boys

Just finished my first listen to the Margot Leverett and the Klezmer Mountain Boys CD. WOW!  I expected to like it, but I was totally blown away!  What a fargenign!  This recording is going to wear out fast.  Play it in the car (hey, in LA that's a major time commitment), on my office system, while I'm cooking - I can't think of any activity which won't be enhanced with this music going on.  And, of course, just sitting and listening to it is very rewarding. Beautifully conceptualized and arranged, wonderfully played, a marvelous accomplishment. I always approach the "fusion" stuff with some trepidation.  Is it going to be simply alternating styles without the work to do a true melding?  Are these 2 styles really compatible/complimentary or is this a haphazard cut-and-paste for "marketing" reasons?  No such worries here.  As to identifying a few tracks as my favorites - fuggedaboutit!  Loved the cuts with Frank and the Klezmer Brass All-Stars, really enjoyed the cut with Michael Alpert's singing, but just the "straight" klezmer/bluegrass cuts (say, tracks 7, 8 & 9) are terrific. Not a clinker in the bunch. If you like plain-old straight-ahead klezmer, but this CD.  If you like bluegrass, buy this CD.  Hell, what ever you like, buy this CD!

Haven't liked anything this much since Kurt & Annetta's wonderful CD.  yasher koyekh to all involved!

Shira Lerner
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