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Brooklyn 2 AM

It's a long story how I find myself back home in Brooklyn night after night
of Chol HaMoed.  We'll skip it.

If you're going, to Crown Heights, be sure to wear some flowers...oops.

Take two.

If you're going to Crown Heights Thursday night for the last night of Chol
HaMoed, I suggest you spend your time in front of 770 Eastern Parkway instead
of the big scene down at Kingston & Montgomery. ANd not cuz I want you 
to think Schnerson is Jesus.

At Kingston & Montgomery, there is an electric guitar and synth playing 
occasionally recognizable versions of a few Chabad tunes.

At 770 there is a trumpet by Aaron Goldring and a couple of saxes.  Normally
not a big fan of Jewish brass, I can say the sound from Aaron & Company 
was a more authentic sound - while modern, as Lubavitch seems to be so very
these days - they had the tunes down cold and brought a serious ruach to 
them that invoked Ribino shel Olam and called Him to account as far as I'm 
concerned (not speakingfor th performers, of course).

About 1 am , heading home via Wiliamsburgh, on Bedford Avenue I stopped
at a red light by a shul and heard some sweet clarinet music coming from
the sukkah out front.  I pulled over and listened; then quietly walked
to the door of the sukkah - wich was pulled shut just as I got there.

Nevermind - I know WB people can very protective.  Maybe healhtier than 
in CH where I got the feeling the teenage girls were tring very hard to 
wear the tightest ankle length skirts and high necked tops they could get.
Even in the past ten years, the frum Brooklyn neighborhoods have changed 
dramatically - only ten years ago I could hear old, acapella nigunim 
just walking down 15th Ave, records were attributed to communities rather
than individuals, 

and I walked uphill in the snow without shoes to school - both ways!

anyway - if you're checking out CH Thursday night - go for the front
of 770 (male or female - no serious issue) - and skip the Kingston Ave

good night
r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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