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Re: The Morning Before

In a message dated 10/1/2003 11:28:01 AM Central Daylight Time, 
gavbellino (at) yahoo(dot)com writes:

> Would some of you Chazzonim and singers out there care to share your
> trade secrets of pre-service/concert vocal preparation? Humming, waking
> up early, Kiddush said over Alkalol . . . these kinds of things.

Keep on a humidifier all week if you have the heat on.  Gargle and spit 
drinkable aloe vera between services (if you don't consider that a violation).  
Before speaking or singing, take a deep (yoga) breath and expel it slowly over 
one minute's time, making a noise like a balloon with a leak.  (Some privacy is 
required.)  Avoid talking over crowd noise, or at all.  Breath steam, if 
> How about spiritual preparation? 
The possibility of the salvation of hundreds of souls might be balancing on 
the kavanah you bring to your prayers.  

Bring 'em close!

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