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Avram Sutzkever

 For you all in the San Francisco Bay Area:
Sutzkever is a Vilna poet celebrating is 90th birthday (in Israel). This
evening is put together by wonderful Yiddish lovers and experts (Paul
Hamburg, Eli Katz, Prof. Harshav, Khana Bloch,,,,and my apologies to all the
others whose name I don't recall precisely enough, who are no less experts
and lovers.)
For the musical part, I'll be accompanied by Daniel Hoffman (SF Klezmer
experience and Davka). The violin plays a major role in Sutzkever's poetry,
and we will perform Daniel's setting to one of the poems. Michael Grossman
(Staff at the SF Conservatory of Music) will be at the piano.


"Celebrating Sutzkever"
to Mark the 90th Birthday of Abraham Sutzkever
"The Poet of the Vilna Ghetto"

7pm in the Morrison Library

Poetry Readings by
The UC Berkeley Yiddish Reading Group

Musical Settings of Sutzkever's Poetry performed by
Sylvie Braitman, Daniel Hoffman
and Michael Grossman
Professor Benjamin Harshav:
Reflections on Sutzkever and His Poetry

Free admission

A Dessert Reception provided by Ristorante Raphael

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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