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Western Sefardic Music Tradition

  If you click on the below link and then click on the text of Mizmor
leDavid you will find a recording of an excellent example of the Western
Sefardic Music Tradition.  This melody of Mizmor leDavid was composed on
commission for the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam just after the turn of
the (20th) century by Victor Schlesinger.

Applogies for the distortion in the recording caused by the compression.

Shana Tova,

Barry Mehler
Musical Director
   - Santo Serviço (Portuguese Synagogue Choir)
   - Amsterdams Synagogaal Koor (Ashkenaz Synagogue Choir)
   - Sjiera! (Women's Liturgical Choir)

Barry J. Mehler
Postbus 17154
1001 JD Amsterdam
Nederland / Pays-Bas
Tel: 31-20-620-7750
e-Mail: sbjhl (at) euronet(dot)nl

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