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New CD: Margot Leverett & Klezmer Mountain Boys

**On Sale $14.98 **Includes Free shipping thorough October 7 **$14.98**

                   Margot Leverett & The Klezmer Mountain Boys

Bluegrass meets the Shtet'l with another great recording by Margot Leverett. 
This wonderful collaboration with some of the finest in bluegrass and Jewish 
music features such artist as; Barry Mitterhoff, Marty confurius, Kenny Kosek, 
Michael Alpert, Frank London, Zalmen Mlotek, etc.

We are offering this CD at the special price of $14.98, INCLUDES FREE 
SHIPPING  within the US with all Visa & Mastercard orders through October 7.

This CD is not yet on our web site, however orders can be place by e-mail at 
: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com, or by phone--323) 655-76083.

Thank You
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-78083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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