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Re: Chassidic Reggae in New York

What a horrible trivialization of his tragic death.

I'll shut up now.

> Feast of the Leviathan: From Chassidic Reggae to Avant-Garde Psalms.=20
> Celebration of Jewish Art organized by the <A HREF=3D"
> ">Mima'amakim Journal</A>, featuring published=20
> poets and writers, as well as Mattissyahu (King of Chassidic Reggae) and The=
> =20
> Seth Nadel Band (Jewish Folk Rockers), drum circle and open mic. October 13t=
> h, 7=20
> pm at <A HREF=3D"";>Makor</A>, 35 W 67th Street, $12 (co=
> mplimentary copy of the journal=20
> included). This event is part of the Second Annual Daniel Pearl Music Day ne=
> twork. For=20
> more info email <A HREF=3D"mailto:feast (at) mimaamakim(dot)org">feast (at) 
> mimaamakim(dot)org=

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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