Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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THE NUSACH INTERNET RADIO NETWORK is now playing high holiday music 24/7 on 
the web.  The stations are hosted by and can be accessed at

there have been changes recently in site.  If you are unfamiliar with the
you can find our stations using the search tool and simply type in NUSACH.  
However it has become a bit more complicated with their new site.

1) scroll to the bottom of the page and type in nusach in the search box
2) in the drop down window (to the right of the search box) seclect live365 
stations and then activate the search

you will find 4 nusach stations on the nusach internet radio network.

Nusachmaven is currently playing high holiday music 24/7 by various cantors 
around the world.  there is 8 hours of music available today and by the 
holidays there will be 12 hours, so there is plenty beautiful music to 
listen to.

Nusachmaven2 has a new playlist and is currently playing a variety of jewish 
music.  again there is over 8 hours of music to listen to before the 
playlist repeats.

the search will yield the nusach stations.

click on either nusachmaven or nusachmaven2 to listen.

If you are a first time listener, you will be asked to enroll.  this DOES 
NOT COST anything, but you will need to log in to listen.  Unless you wish 
NOT to hear commercials (provided and inserted by you do not 
need to become a subscriber.  First time users need to configure their 
computer to listen.  this takes a few seconds to align the speed etc.  If it 
asks if you want the live365 player, it is a small, stable program that 
plays all the stations on live365 very well, or you can choose one of the 
other players (real, windows media etc) that may already be on your machine.

If you have trouble getting the stations, please feel free to send private 
email to me at:

nusach (at) hotmail(dot)com

happy listening.....lishannah tova.........

rabbi winston weilheimer
The Nusach Internet Radio Network

Use custom emotions -- try MSN Messenger 6.0!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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