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New music sung in Hebrew!

Dear friends,

I have recently struck up a musical
collaboration with a brilliant singer
named Rachel Rubin. (From Jerusalem and Brooklyn!)

She fuses tremendous talent and religious
passion in her numinous voice. Pure Joy...really!

I feel EXTREMELY lucky to be working with
her and would like to share some of our
work with you.

(Press the SOUND button)

The song titles are 'Ani L'dodi' and 'Hashem Ori'.

Thank you very much for listening,

-todd amodeo
---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+ Hosted by Shamash: The Jewish Network A service of Hebrew College, which offers online courses and an online MA in Jewish Studies, * * FREE JEWISH LEARNING * * Shamash invites you to join, a comprehensive, objective, authoritative and interactive learning resource in all areas of Judaism. Free membership via ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------=

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