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Russian heritage?? How confused is this?

OK, folks, here is the story,
I was buying a russian book for my grandmother from this web site,
when I got a promotional e-mail that, as their customer,  I was also
eligible for free mp3 downloads from an associated russian music web site
Half the web site is in Russian (which I can read) and apparently contains
some gems of Jewish music, available only behind the former Iron curtain
--(try doing a search on "evreyskaya musica" -- in cyrillic, of course)
I thought that I was finding some good cantorial selections, until I ran

In case the link does not connect for you, it leads to a cover of  a Russian
CD, titled "our spiritual heritage/synagogue music" The cover of this CD,
however, is a close up baroque-style painting of  Jesus with a crown of
thorns?? Apparently, for these Russian publishers all spiritual stuff is the
same... The music on the album sounds quite churchy, but it is clearly of
jewish origin..
   Another good one is by a famous old-style soviet-era  pop-star, Yosif
Kobzon, containing some Jewish favorites, sung to an awful 70s pop backup..
Notice that titles of several songs are not spelled correctly.
So much for trying to find authentic Klez back in the old homeland...
Oh well, I guess I will just stick to my own fiddle playing and learn from
you all,  the "foreigners" (hah-hah, just kidding..)

Vlad Liberman

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