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Jews for Jeeter

Jews for Jeeter, now he is a group of people to be afraid of.  These people 
have but one central idea to convert everyone to being a Yankees fan. They will 
use any means possible and are bent on world domination!  I'm beginning to 
think resistance if futile!  

All this talk about being Jewish or not being Jewish and being able to play 
Klezmer or not, reminds of a famous interview on a Jazz station in NYC.  In the 
interview, Winton Marsaillus was going on about Jazz being a black, 
Afro-American slave music, and that white Europeans didn't have as much of a 
claim to 
be able to play it.  To which Phil Woods, an amazing musician and saxophonist 
in his own right, replied "I'll grant you that African Americans gave us 2 and 
4, but you got to admit we had the do, re, mi." 

Tom Puwalski, Author of The Clarinetists Guide to Klezmer, Retired clarinet 
soloist from the US Army Field Band, Clarinetist with Lox&Vodka, and a militant 
Unitarian who will burn a question mark on the lawn of anyone who disagrees 
with him

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