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Re: Sherlock Holmes' Tsimbl

If this is the film with George Hamilton, it's actually Sam Chianis playing 
cimbalom.  I've been trying to find a copy but haven't had any luck thus far.   
Sam was for a few years the main Hollywood cimbalom player when he was a 
student/faculty member at UCLA.  Now lives in Binghamton as an emeritus 
ethnomusicologist for SUNY, but still active in the upstate NY Greek music 
scene.  Has been an influential mentor to many in the klezmer and Balkan music 
scenes, was one of the first musicologists to document and study Greek folk 
music, and is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet.

David Baron <d_baron (at) 012(dot)net(dot)il> wrote:
Not to mention a spooky sci-fi spy thriller called "The Power". Also centers
on a club where a Tsimble (aka Santur, takes place in Iran) is being played
and the whole film score is Santur!

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