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Sobig Virus - PLEASE READ

Dear Address Book,

Today I have already received nearly 100 mails generated from the same user
as a result of the new Sobig virus.  Apparently, the person doesn't realize
he/she is infected, and their computer is on-line and continually sending
these messages (to me, and many other people).

>From the "Header" information on the email (see below), we can see that the
computer generating the messages is called "LEA", that the IP address is, and that the person is subscribed to "a2000" in Holland (i.e.
a2000, Chello, UPC).  Also, the messages are being generated by Microsoft
Outlook Express version 6.00.2600

Original email Header information:
                "Received: from LEA ( [])"

Please carefully check to see if you are the user infected by this virus,
and immediately take action to stop the virus from sending anymore messages.

Kind regards,


Barry J. Mehler
Postbus 17154
1001 JD Amsterdam
Nederland / Pays-Bas
Tel: 31-20-620-7750
e-Mail: sbjhl (at) euronet(dot)nl

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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