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[JLM] CANTOR ALTSHUL, anyone?????? (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 19:32:52 -0000
From: riccifrederic <riccifrederic (at) yahoo(dot)com>
To: jewishshulmusic (at) yahoogroups(dot)com
Subject: [JLM] CANTOR ALTSHUL, anyone??????

There's a Parlophon 78 rpm record of "Rachel quand du Seigneur" from
Halévy's La Juive in Polish recorded by the singer mentioned in the
subject line. The record does NOT give his first name.
Apparently he was a Polish opera singer who became a cantor in the UK
before WW2.
Anyone who has more info on him.

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