Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: now they can't hear us, but KLEZPERANTO! anyway!

...Yup, it's pretty weird for those of us *with* power having noticed 
the sudden drop-off in heated debate on the list here!  Hope everybody 
affected is ok. keep it on topic, however, KLEZPERANTO! played last weekend 
here in Los Angeles and were absolutely spectacular!  For a hot summer 
outdoor festival, lively klezmer with a fiery latin flava sure fit the 
bill - Ilene tore it up on clarinet, along with some seriously crazy 
banjo, brass, accordion and drums and it was definitely a jam to 
remember!  Get the CD, it's the perfect antidote for this unbearable 
summer heat!  I hope we'll see them here again soon!!!

More later,
Take care, those of you Eastside and in Canada, hope all's right again 
in a hurry!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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