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Re: Old sheet music collection help...

I've forwarded your very interesting message to my husband,
Dr. Jeffrey Wollock (Itzik-Leyb Volokh), who is a music historian
specializing in the history of klezmer (and a practicing klezmer
and classical violinist.) I'll encourage him to write to you directly
when he gets in. He is currently working on a book project on
the history of klezmer music and musicians in New York, and has
already done a great deal of work on bands from this period. He has
also interviewed a number of descendants of klezmer musicians and
helped them evaluate their sheet music and other historical
materials. I know he'd be delighted to help -- and he may have
some information from his research that would be of interest to
your colleague.

All good wishes,

Jenny Wollock

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Jeremy A Schiffer <schiffer (at) columbia(dot)edu>
Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
Date:  Mon, 11 Aug 2003 16:39:48 -0400 (EDT)

>Jewish Music folks,
>I play in a classical wind ensemble in addition to klezmer groups.
>Recently, before a wind ensemble rehearsal, I was playing through some
>klezmer tunes, when one of the other band members came up to ask me about
>klezmer and my interest in it.
>Apparently, his wife's uncle was a klezmer player back in the 1930's. I
>can't remember his (the klezmer player's) name, however. This gentleman
>and his wife have some filing cabinets full of the uncle's old sheet
>music, which I'm told haven't been looked at since the man died some time
>He was interested in finding out how it may be possible to have this music
>archived and published. I told him that I would check with my sources for
>information about who would be interested in this. Now, obviously, I would
>have loved if he would have turned the whole collection over to me, but I
>think he is looking for something a little more reputable than an
>individual with a keen interest in previously 'lost' klezmer music.
>That said, for those on this list who specialize in things like the
>finding of old manuscripts/recordings/whatnot, especially those in an
>around NYC, I would ask you to either respond here or to me off-list and I
>will put you in touch with him.
>jeremy schiffer

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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