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Klezbos next week in Michigan (& friends in NYC!)

Isle of Klezbos plays Michigan Womyn's Music Festival

 on Friday, August 15 at 8:00pm

 Sets by Ferron and BETTY! follow ours on the NightStage.

 For more info & full festival week schedule, see

 (our lineup includes Philly guest klezbian accordionist Julia Haines!!)

 A few other performers there: Toshi Reagon, Sweet Honey, Nedra Johnson, 

 Catie Curtis, Cheryl Wheeler, Holly Near & Cris Williamson, Bitch & Animal;

 it's our third time since 1998, and the festival's 28th year [Saturn anyo

 For Klezbos fall gigs in NYC & the Hudson Valley:    

 Plus here's a next-week-in-New-York-City tip for Rachelle Garniez fans ...


 For those not at Michigan festival due to gender or geography, 

 might we suggest a show at The Bottom Line cabaret

 by our comrade Rachelle Garniez & her band, The Fortunate Few 

 15 W 4th St (corner of Mercer), NYC

 same date & time as Klezbos plays out in the woods ~ 8/15, 8pm.

 $15 cover/no minimum for RG's show, 212-228-6300 for the club for her particulars; 

 she & her band are headlining, and the opening act is Eve Silber.


 Meanwhile, if you can get to Michigan fest, 

 or you've always wondered about going,

 so far this year's forecast looks really good...

 including the meteor showers.

 Maybe we'll see you On The Land.


 Also, we've been enjoying airplay throughout North America and Europe; is a great place to shop, or find our new release 

in a Tower, Border's, or other online or brick & mortar source near you! 

 Latest CD reviews include this excerpt from our most recent:


 "more than generous doses of verve, charm and elegant sophistication... 

 Greetings from The Isle of Klezbos is as fine a debut album as any band 

could wish for. You're bound to enjoy this musical vacation on The Isle. 
Bask in this glorious heat and sunshine, enjoy the cool refreshing breeze..." 
— Rainlore/Renaissance Man reviews, U.K.


 Wishing you all a happy rest of summer,


- e v e  s i c u l a r  -
151 First Ave #145, NYC 10003
tel:  212.475.4544
fax:  212.677.6304

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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