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Fwd: Re: Shalom from Dubin, Ireland

Thought I would forward this on to the list, given the recent query about 
Irish Jewish music.

>From: "Carl Nelkin" <cnelkin (at) iol(dot)ie>
>... This CD will
>be distributed in the US from around Rosh Hashanah.  In the meantime, it can
>be purchased from me at cnelkin (at) iol(dot)ie
>Here is a recent review of my album:-
>"Irish Heart Jewish Soul C.D.
>IRISH HEART JEWISH SOUL:  I have had the pleasure of receiving a copy of
>Carl Nelkin's just released C.D., "Irish Heart Jewish Soul."  Many of you 
>will be
>familiar with Carl's beautiful tenor voice from his many years of serving as
>cantor and member of the Adelaide Road Synagogue Choir.  Carl has created a
>wonderful collection of favorite Irish and Jewish songs including melodies
>from the Yiddish theatre.  In all there are fourteen songs on the C.D. 
>De Rebbi Elimelech; Love Thee, Dearest; Vos Geven iz Geven Un Nito; The Star
>of the County Down; Dos Pintele Yid; The Short Cut to the Rosses; Mazl; Little
>Bridget Flynn; Moishele, Main Fraind; The Low-Backed Car; Bantry Bay; Eishes
>Chayil; Danny Boy; and Yankele.  He offers a unique interpretation of the 
>melodies by accompanying the songs with traditional Irish instruments such
>as uileann pipes and whistles!  The result is quite entertaining and very
>enjoyable to listen to.  In fact, I haven't stopped listening to the C.D. 
>since it
>arrived in the mail last week!  The C.D. is a wonderful keepsake for anyone
>who appreciates Irish Jewish culture, and I highly recommend it as a unique
>Chanukah gift for family and friends.  But don't wait until December to a
>buy one or two or more as I'm sure they are selling like latkes and the
>supply is likely to run out quickly!"
>Thank you and best regards
>PHONE: +353 1 662 0448
>FAX: +353 1 661 8220
>MOBILE: +353 872 414 301

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