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update from KFAR


Perhaps you've been wondering what's up in Chicago and why KFAR Jewish Arts 
Center has been so quiet following last season.  Well, first there was a WAR, 
then we had Sfirah (a traditional period of no music) and then came our summer 
break and then there's the economy... But have we been sitting on our tuchas?  
Heck, no!  We've been preparing a tasty selection for your enjoyment for the 
coming year.  Check it out:
<A HREF="";>Tzitzit: Voices from the 
Jewish Fringe</A>
KFAR is on summer hiatus, but take a sneak peak at our exciting upcoming 
season of cutting-edge concerts, including some of the hottest act in 
Jewish music.  thisyear, you'll hear Diaspora Jazz, Jewish Med-Rim Fusion, 
Ladino Blues, Jewish Rock, Afro-Semitism, Cosmic Neo-Klezmer Funk, Israeli 
Avant-Jazz, Yiddish Reggae and much more!  Visit <A 
HREF="";></A> to hear music 
samples and see what in store!
<A HREF="";>Community Calendar</A>
We've also updated the community calendar, and while we're still in the 9 
days of no music, there's plenty coming up after Tisha B'av, plus interesting 
movies and plays to check out in the interim.
<A HREF="";>Subscribe to the tribe and 
buy advance tickets.</A>
If you're a diehard member of the KFAR tribal circle and went to 3 or more of 
our events last year, buy your tickets in advance and SAVE.  Last year, 
several of our events were sold out or nearly sold out, and with the renewed 
enforcement of city venue capacity laws, we want to be sure that everyone who 
to attend our events can do so.  Avoid the hassle of getting shut out and save 
20% by subscribing to the entire season of 8 KFAR concerts, including a 
special Hanukah event.  

<A HREF="mailto:support (at) kfarcenter(dot)com">Be a member of our tribe </A>
KFAR is Hebrew for a tribal village, and our village needs your support.  If 
you're down with KFAR Jewish Arts Center, we're looking for volunteers to help 
promote events, house and transport artists and generally support a great 
mission.  You'll meet great people, work on the coolest Jewish committee in 
participate in great events and get invited to meet artists and attend 
special events.
<A HREF="";>Contribute to Jewish 
Our arts village also relies on the generous support of sponsors and 
individuals whose share our vision for vibrant Jewish cultural events in 
Consider a tax-deductable contribution to the only organization completely 
dedicated to providing ongoing arts programming to Chicago's Jewish community.

<A HREF="";>Next year is now!</A>
Finally, we're now accepting submissions for the 2004-2005 season (I know, 
can you believe it?).  If you haven't already submitted your materials, send a 
HARD COPY PRESS KIT (yes, we need it) to us for consideration.  The deadlne 
this year will be October 15, 2003.  ALL Jewish music genre's are welcome.  
and fill out the the form at <A 
and return it with your kit.

Shabbat Shalom!


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