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New CD: Portuguese-Sephardic Liturgy

New CD on Sale***"Music of The Synagogue of Bordeaux (France)- Portuguese 
Available at $18.49 including shipping within the US through August 15 with 
all Visa & Mastercard Orders.

We have just received the following CD:

>From the Booklet: By the end of the 19th Century, the music that was in 
practice in the Portuguese synagogues in Bordeaux, Bayonne or Paris was most 
impressive. While reciting the liturgy, the Cantor would usually be accompanied 
the organ and a male choir of some 20 adults and children wearing special 
clothes...this splendor contributed to the great solemnity of the ceremonies. 
W.W.II and the demographic upheavals of the 20 th Century, that tradition had 
totally vanished (two-thirds of the Jewish community of Bordeaux was deported 
by the Nazis).

Recorded in concert to commemorate the 120th Anniversary of the Bordeaux 
Synagogue. Featuring cantor soloists;Adolphe Attia, Malkiel Benamara, Leon 
Didier Kassabi and the Choir of the Bordeaux Synagogue and the Orfeo choir.
Selections Include Shabbat, Pessach, High Holidays, Lag Baomer Tish B'av, 
Chavuot, religious Initiation of Children (In French) and Marriage Selections.

Selections are performed in Hebrew, some Spanish, and French.

Booklet contains a history of the community some photos and lyrics in French 
and English.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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