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new bibliography

I'm pleased to announce that Musica Judaica: Journal of the American Society
for Jewish Music has been issued this month, and that my bibliography was
published. It contains names of books, chapters within books, articles,
reviews, dissertations, and some books with score that had significant
introductions or historical sections, and is about 32 pages.

 "The Turn of the Millennium in Jewish Music: A Bibliography of Selected
Items 1999 - 2002"

There are several good articles in the journal as well, including an
important one by Boaz Tarsi on modal definitions.

If you are not a member of the society, maybe you want to join.

If you just want to get a copy of the journal, here's the contact
American Society for Jewish Music now has an office:
The Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, New York
ASJM phone: (212) 294-8328
ASJM FAX: (212) 294-6161
Email: asjm (at) cjh(dot)org


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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