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Re: Klezmatics on Sex...

Oh, if only I had HBO!  I'd love to see the episode!...

Ari, you are so right in your review of "Shteyt Oyf."  It's a dead-on 
accurate review of an absolutely astounding recording.  I've now had it 
for 3 weeks and have not been able to get it out of my regular rotation 
(its competition only being "Brotherhood of Brass" anyway. heh.  ;) ).

The breathtaking beauty of "Loshn-Koydesh" fills me with emotion and 
longing every time I hear it, and, much like your experience, takes me 
back to a recent concert the Klezmatics played up in the Bay area.  It 
was stiflingly hot in that packed theatre, but as Lorin's gorgeous 
voice sang out with such sincerity and feeling, we all were completely 
captured.  No matter that possibly only a fraction of the people there 
even understood Yiddish, we ALL instinctively seemed to understand the 
ecstasy and heartache of the lyrics.  I'm still trying to track down 
the original poem, although Michael Wex's beautiful job with the 
adaptation and translation makes it no less heartfelt!

"Davenen" also touches me deeply and has inspired a series of colored 
pencil renderings based on Sholom Aleichem's "Song of Songs," as well 
as I.J. Singer's "Yoshe Kalb" among other Yiddish stories.  I don't 
know if this is the appropriate place to make mention of my art, since 
it's not music itself, but it's definitely completely inspired by 
klezmer and other Jewish music, so I hope it's ok and might even be of 
interest when the series in completed.

"Hevl iz Havolim," "Katz un Moyz (what a joy!)," "Di Gayster" - What 
absolute beauties!  I thought nothing could top "Possessed" in its 
frenzy of wild mood swings, but this is IT.  Never before has such 
creativity been evoked, at least as far as I'm concerned.  To the 
Klezmatics:  It may have been a long time in coming - but SO worth the 
wait!  What a wonderful gift you've got - Thank you so much for sharing 
it with us!!!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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