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Roberto Rodriguez

Somebody mentioned this Cuban musician who plays "Cuban Klezmer" the other day: 
yesterday there was a story in Le Monde about a concert he gave in France. 
Here's the link for those who read French:,9687,327962,00.html?query=Roberto+Rodriguez&query2=&booleen=et&num_page=1&auteur=&dans=dansarticle&periode=30&ordre=pertinence&debutjour=&debutmois=&debutannee=&finjour=&finmois=&finannee=&G_NBARCHIVES=783+020

  The headline was " In Gironde (French province) mid-way between Cuban music 
and klezmer: an imaginary folklore"
  R. Rodriguez left Cuba when he was 9 to live in Miami with his musician 
father, who played in the Yiddish theatre! He wanted to invent a connection 
between Cuban music and klezmer and the result was his "remarkable" album: El 
Danzon de Moises (Tzadik).
In this European tour, he is joined by Ted Reichman (accordeon), David Krakauer 
("virtuose ambassador of klezmer"), Meg Okura (violin), Mary Wooten (cello) and 
Curtis Hasselbring (trombone). 

Joan (in Milan)

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