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Re: shalom by Leeah!

Welcome to the list, Leah!

I'm an American violinist who once studied violin in Bucharest. I also have
played klezmer music (as well as Romanian, et al.) for many years now.  Are
you performing as a singer yourself?

Servus, Leah,

Sunt violonista americana, iar am studiat si in Bucuresti prin anii '80. Imi
pare bine sa-ti fac cunostinta "virtuala".

Informatii despre CD-ul meu se afla la site-ul meu: .
Daca vrei sa-mi scrii direct, pot sa-mi scrii sau de la site-ul meu de pe
Internet, sau la adresa de mai jos.

Chiar m-ar interesa sa aflu ce se-ntampla cu muzica si cultura evreiasca la
ora asta, si cu comunitatea evreiasca romaneasca in general. Apoi, Clujul
este frumos (tare mi-ar placea sa mai vin in vizita -- candva, cumva...).

Cu salutari calduroase,

sandralayman (at) earthlink(dot)net

----- Original Message -----
To: World music from a Jewish slant
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 11:55 AM
Subject: shalom by Leeah!

Shalom to everybody ,and thank you very much for the songs!if you have any
other jewish songs including love sadness happiness,death,...well you should
have know that I don't mind if can send me a few from this!But shall I share
my questin to you? How can I ivite you here in Roumania, I can imagine that
you are a great community,we would really like to meet you once
tete-a -tete!We realised that something is missing from our every day jewish
life ,and that is jewish music,I think that once there won't be any jewish
community here in Cluj Napoca(Klausenburg, Kolozsvar)because we are such a
small community,and the youthamong jews are not really interested in their
religion, rarely but twice in a month we meet them and that's all!It wuold
be great to see a jewish formation,yes ti would be nice!thank you!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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