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JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2619


Here are Ladino lyrics to "Misserlu":

No pretendas mas que tu me amas, ni te sforses a vertir lagrimas.
Yo ya lo supe que era por enganar,
Este es un facto que no puedas niegar.

Ah! Misserlu!  Es muy amargo, ah es muy amargo el sufrir,
Ma no por esto uno deve murir (2x)

Algun dia sufrira tu corason, y conoceras lo que es la traision.
Como yo lloro, ansi tu lloraras. Y consuelo nunca no toparas.

Ah! Misserlu!  (etc.)

Don't pretend anymore that you love me.  I believe that you're doing it to
fool me.
This is a fact which you cannot deny.

Ah!  Misserlu! It is very bitter. Ah, suffering is very bitter,
But one does not have to die for that.

One day your heart will suffer and you will understand betrayal.
And as I cry, so you will cry
And never find consolation

Ah! Misserlu! (etc.

If you'd like to hear ALHAMBRA perform Misserlu this Tuesday evening (June
3rd) at 7 p.m. at the Spanish Institute, 68th and Park Ave. NYC, please
call Mazal Ustaev (Sephardic House) for information: (212) 294-8350 ext. 4.
  Admission is $15.00

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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