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A poem for Jerusalm

Perhaps slightly OT... 

About a year ago my aunt who lived in Jerusalem her whole life sent me this 
poem, written in Hebrew, and regrettably didn't know the source or the author.  
I passed this poem on to other people - and found that it had a profound impact 
on everyone who saw it... so in honor of Yom Yerushalayim I'll share with you 
the translated poem.

A poem for Jerusalem

Where do you come from, Jew?
- From Jerusalem

And where are you going?
- To Jerusalem

When did you leave Jerusalem?
- I have never left her

And when will you arrive in Jerusalem?
- The wise knows... for generations I've been on my way to her

And how is she, Jerusalem?
- Crying and laughing... destroyed and renewed

When was Jerusalem destroyed?
- Always.  In every generation.

And when will Jerusalem will be restored?
- At every moment she is being rebuilt

And where is she, Jerusalem?
- Up there on the mountaintops, where doves coo

Is she far... Jerusalem?
- No, heaven forbid... she is right here... with me.. in my heart.

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Singer, Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish Music
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