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Request for Information about Rakhel Hadass

I received the request below for information about about Rakhel (or
Rachel) Hadass. I have a recording of her singing with Theodor Bikel (see 
below).  I provided what little I knew. Perhaps others on the list
can be more helpful. 
Haim Kaufman
Rikuday Dor Rishon
New York City
Shalom Haim,
        What I was interested in was particularly this album that I
old Israeli Folk album that I had during my teenage years.  I personally
really liked her simple folk music and musical arrangement...Is there a way
to find her or an associated person to ask some basic questions about her
simple folk-style.  I thought that you may know because of this reason,even
though it  is not dance music, so to speak...Even if I found a website about
her history...(?)  Anyway,when I used to simply sing Ma Navu as a teenager
and all those simple songs...people don't seem to do that anymore, do you
know what I mean?  I'm sure that she was a performer, but it doesn't mean
that she didn't put her heart and soul into it-like Ken Yovdu (do you have
dance notes for that?) That is incredible how she sings that song...and her
rendition of Sa'enu is beautiful..Anyway, I was listening to this old tape I
had of her songs and my friend and I were interested to find out more about
her music.  I've searched the web some, but to no avail...but I'll keep
trying...I thought that it was Rakhel Hadassah...I'll try Rachel
Hadass...Got any more ideas?  Thank you so much for responding...

> Shalom Miriam,
> I know of Rachel Hadass, who was an Israeli singer originally from Greece
> who recorded back in the 1950's. She is one of the singers on the album
> "Israeli Folk Dances" (Israel Music Foundation series 3, LP 7). I don't
> know if she is still singing. What do you want to know about her?
> L'hitraot,
> Haim
> On Sat, 3 May 2003, miriam white wrote:
> > Shalom Haim,
> >             Back in the '70's I had an album by Rakhel Hadassah.  Have
> > heard if her?  Do you have any way for me to find information on her
> > songs?
> >             RSVP-Miriam
> >                         Thank you...

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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