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Fiddlers 3

present a concert of classical, klezmer and traditional violin music.

Three of Connecticut's most prominent violin players demonstrate
the wide variety of music associated with bowed instruments. 
Netta Hadari has performed recitals and in chamber groups across the U.S., 
Europe and Africa, including the Orquestra Clasica do Porto in Portugal, the
Kwazulu-Natal Philharmonic of South Africa and the Connecticut Virtuosi
Chamber Orchestra in Connecticut.  

Cookie Segelstein is recognized as one
of the few virtuosi of klezmer violin, the Gypsy-tinged music of the Jewish
diaspora. She performs regularly with klezmer veteran Henry Sapoznik  and
with the west coast based Veretski Trio.

Stacy Phillips is an expert of the
traditional fiddle styles of the U.S., as well as jazz. He has introduced
this music to audiences througout the U.S., Europe and Australia.

    All are also world renowned teachers of their art.

This concert/presentation illustrates the deep connections between the music 
of different cultures and the breadth of music on bowed strings.

The concert will take place on 
May 11, 2003 at 7PM at the Whitney Arts Center , 591 Whitney Ave. in New 
Haven. Tickets are $15, $10 for students.
For more information, call  (203)389-6468

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