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Re: Yamin Levy -Search for a singer

We carry 2  Cds that feature the singer Yasmin Levy. 
"Ladino Legacy - Two Generations" features , Yasmin Levy, Suzy, Suzanne 
Matchoro, and Cohava Levy. 

The other Cd, "Sefaradis de Dor En Dor" is Ladino musical comedy with various 
 artist which include Yasmin Levy, Yehoram Gaon, Lolik, etc.
This Cd is on our site: at:

Hatikvah Music


> Please can you give me any information about a young Israelis singer,

> whose

> name (I think) is spelt Jasmine Levi. She sings in the Sephardic/Ladino >>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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