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Re: Tan-Bogoraz

Henny van der Groep asked about the
lawyer/ethnographer/poet/revolutonary Bogoraz-Tan.  The second volume of
the third edition of _Pesni russkikh poetov_ (Biblioteka
poeta--bol'shaia seriia), ed. V. E. Gusev, Lenigrad: Sovetskii pisatel',
1988, pp. 290-96, contains four poems/songs by Bogoraz-Tan and some
biographical information.  There are also notes to the songs (p. 476),
one of which, referring to an 1899 publication under the heading "Iz
Uota Uitmena. Per. s angl.," says "ssylka na Uitmena fiktivna" with a
reference to another volume in the Biblioteka poeta--bol'shaia seriia,
_Poety-demokraty 1870-1880-kh gg._, Leningrad, 1968, note to #220.
    The most famous of the four songs is "Predsmertnaia pesnia," which
begins "My sami kopali mogilu svoiu..."
    Sergei Kan of the Dartmouth College Anthropology Department
(sergei(dot)kan (at) dartmouth(dot)edu) has been working on a biography of 
Russian Jewish ethnographer of Siberia, Lev Shternberg, and may know
more about Bogoraz-Tan as well.
            Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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