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Re: nokhamol IAYC program details

Yiddish Teachers: 
Heroes Then and Now
International Association of Yiddish Clubs IAYC - 2003 Conference
September 4, 5, 6, 7, 2003  Pikesville Hilton, Baltimore, MD

Thursday, September 4th, 2003   Hilton Pikesville, Baltimore, Maryland

Check in and registration  time: from 3:00  Check in to a tuneful welcome by
local klezmer duo Jerry Lapides, vocals and harmonica, Jill Ice, accordian

5th floor Hospitality Suite  - Shule Show and Tell (informal)

Dinner (for hotel guests):
6:00-7:15 Preakness Ballroom

8:00-10:00 pm Evening Program Preakness Ballroom

Proclamation of Yiddish Week in Baltimore
Welcome by IAYC and Yiddish of Greater Baltimore
Our keynote speaker will be noted teacher, activist  Gella Schweid Fishman
who established the Secular Schools in America Collection at Stanford
University (California). who will speak on  the topic:
The Secular Yiddish Schools in North America:
An Archival Collection as a Living Source
of Jewish Creativity

? A musical salute to Mikhl Gelbart with  teacher/klezmer  Lori Cahan Simon
and violin virtuoso Steven Greenman and a Shule/Summer Camp Song singalong.

? The big band sounds of the Baltimore Klezmer Orchestra

Friday, September 5th, 2003

7:45-8:45 am   Kosher Bagel Continental Breakfast (Special Corridor
set-up)(hotel guests only)

9:15-10:30am  Period A

Morrie Feller ­ Yiddish Kompyuteray: Getting It Write In Yiddish (E/Y) ­
Troim Katz Handler ­ Women and Sex in Judaism (E/Y) ­ (Citation)
Motl Rosenbush ­ How to Start a Yiddish ³Svive² in Your Town (Y) ­
Iosif Vaisman  -   Internet as a tool for teaching Yiddish (E/Y) -

10:45-12:00 noon  Period B

Lori Cahan-Simon ­ Researching Mikhl Gelbart (Y/E) ­ (Whirlaway)
Sylvia Schildt ­ Remembering Brownsville/Mayn Shtetele Bronzvil -  (Y/E) -
Prof. Max Ticktin ­ Topic tba -  (Y) - (Secretariat)
Iosif Vaisman - Hersh Segal, his friends, pupils, and flourishing of Yiddish
culture in
                          Czernowitz between the World Wars.² (Y) -

12:12-1:30 PM   Lunch on Your Own
                         IAYC BOARD MEETING

1:45-3:00 pm   Period C

Betty Tepper ­ Yiddish Tango: Buenos Aires to the World -  (E/Y/S) -
Judith Seid ­ Secular Options in Judaism ­ (E) -  (Citation)
Sholem Berger ­ Vos Fara Yid Redt Yidish? ­ (Y)  - (Secretariat)
Shelby Shapiro - Continues his fascinating exploration of the Yidishe
Ganovim ­ (E) 


3:15- -4:45 pm   Period D

Plenary Session in honor long time Yiddish teacher and activist Itche
Goldberg (Y/E) 
Preakness Ballroom  (Panel discussion)

Henry Sapo5nik   creator of the Yiddish Radio Project and Director of Living
Traditions, will hold a very important plenary session on Yiddish Education
and the KlezKamp Phenomenon. KlezKamp, now in its 18th year, has been a
major force in producing a new generation of enthusiasts of Yiddish music,
language ,literature and culture and there is much we can learn from its
phenomenal success.

4:30-5:30     5th floor Hospitality Suite  - Shule Show and Tell (informal)

6:00-7:15 pm  KOSHER SHABES DINNER (for hotel guests, special passes)  with
zmiros by Cantor Allan Berman­ Preakness Ballroom


Talent Cabaret  (Mitch Smolkin)
Cookie Blattman
Sara Moskowitz
Elsa Dragon

9:00 pm ­ Preakness Ballroom
Film and moderated discussion

Saturday, September 6th, 2003

7:45-8:45 am   Kosher Bagel Continental Breakfast (Special Corridor set-up)
(hotel guests only)

Orthodox services (optional) (E/H) with Cantor Berman ­ Bowie
(Nearby Conservative & Reform Services available)

9:15-10:30 am   Period A

Dr. Sheva Zucker ­ Teaching Intermediate Yiddish ­ (Y/E) -  (Whirlaway)
Jim Kappelin  -- My Life as a Zamler  ­ (Citation)
Eve Jochnowitz  ­  Jewish Foodways  (Y/E)  (Pimlico/Laurel)
Herman Taube  -- Yidiahe Zhurnaln in Lodz & Varshe Tsvishn di 2 Velt
                        Milkhomes ­ (Y)       (Citation)

10:45-12:00 noon  Period B

TBA­  (Y/E) ­ (Whirlaway)
Chava Lapin ­  Advanced Yiddish Class 1 -  (Y)  - (Citation)
Kolye Borodulin - A Sheyne Bobe Mayse, slide talk on Yiddish Children¹s
Texts ­ (Y) 
Yale Strom ­ Klezmer history as found in Yizkor books (E/Y)  --

12:15-1:30  LUNCH ON YOUR OWN (Sabbath Observers Take Away Lunch included
with Kosher Option)

1:45-3:00 pm   Period C

Dr. Solon Beinfeld ­ New Yiddish Center in Paris, its cultural activities
and goals, the work of Prof. Yitskhok Niborski and others. ( (Y/E) ­
Hilda Rubin -  Yiddish theatre as a means of teaching language ­ (Y/E) -
William Tenn ­ Sholem Aleykhem meets Sci-Fi in ³On Venus Have We Got a
Rabbi² ­
     (E) -  (Secretariat)
Kolye Borodulin - Yiddish life in Birobidjan ­ (Y/E) -  (Pimlico/Laurel)

3:00-3:15 pm  - KOSHER PASTRY BREAK

3:15-4:30 pm   Period D

PLENARY SESSION  & FILM SHOWING ­ (Preakness Ballroom)

Meet the Filmmaker Yale Strom and see his film ³L¹Chaim, Comrade Stalin.²

4:30-5:30     5th floor Hospitality Suite  - Shule Show and Tell (informal)

6:00-7:15 pm DINNER (for hotel guests, special passes)   Preakness Ballroom
 (Kosher option by pre-arrangement only)


? The unique music of Baltimore¹s wildly popular Charm City Klezmer
? Shira Shazeer and Ken Richmond, Fish Street Klezmer Duo, of Klezmaniacs
fame in a program of Yiddish song ­ old favorites, new discoveries
? World Class khazn AVI ALBRECHT sings Yiddish

Sunday, September 7, 2003

 7:45-8:45 am   Kosher Bagel Continental Breakfast (Special Corridor
set-up)(hotel guests only)

9:15-10:30 am   Period A

Miriam Beckerman  -- Mayn Lerer Dovid Katz(Y)    (Whirlaway)
Chava Lapin  -- Advanced Yiddish ­ Session Two (Y) (Secretariat)
Marcia Gruss Levinsohn ­ Model class  (Pimlico/Laurel)
Fanny Yocor - Dialogues for Yiddish Conversation  - (Y) -

10:45-12:00 noon   Period B

. Our closing speaker will be announced.

.   Mayn Oytzer -- a concert of Yiddish art and theatre songs  with Sender
Botvinik, Sherm Labovitz &  Marvin Weisberger from their CD  published by
the Sholem Aleichem Club of Philadelphia.

12:00 noon ­ kosher box lunch (for hotel guests)

Bus departs for guided tour of Jewish Baltimore with Aaron Seiden
(Pre-registration only)

on 4/11/03 11:40 AM, Sylvia Schildt at creativa (at) charm(dot)net wrote:

> Gut morgn, Reyzl,
> Ikh greyt tsu a konferents fun IAYC l'koved yidish limud un yidishe lerers.
> Es veln kumen etlekhe hundert mitglider fun yidishe klubn un andere
> libhobers fun mame loshn.
> Ot zaynen di protim, vi eykh a registratsiye blat.
> Kenstu dos ibergebn af der reshime??
> A hartsikn dank un a grus in der heym,
> Sylvia
> on 4/11/03 8:15 AM, Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky at yiddish (at) 
> waletzky(dot)com wrote:
>> For Washington DC area people.
>> Reyzl
>> ----------
>> From:  postmaster (at) wjff(dot)org [SMTP:postmaster (at) wjff(dot)org]
>> Sent:  Tuesday, April 08, 2003 1:20 PM
>> To:  WJFFnews recipients
>> Subject:  [wjff-news] In the Screening Room:
>> *****************************************************************************
>> WJFFnews is the email newsletter of
>> The Washington Jewish Film Festival: An Exhibition of International Cinema
>> and The Screening Room, Our Year-Round Repertory Film Series
>> WJFF 13: December 5-15, 2002
>> Presented by the District of Columbia Jewish Community Center's Morris
>> Cafritz
>> Center for the Arts
>> This is a post-only mailing.
>> PLEASE DO NOT REPLY, it will not be seen by anyone.
>> Information regarding unsubscribing from this list, changing your address, or
>> contacting us appear at the end of this mailing.
>> *****************************************************************************
>> At The Screening Room In April
>> Israel, 1997, Video, 84min, Hebrew with English, Director: Erez Laufer
>> WHERE: DCJCC Aaron and Cecile Goldman Theater, located on the corner of
>> 16th & Q St., NW
>> WHEN: Sunday, April 13th at 3:00p.m.
>> FEES: DCJCC Members: $7.50; Non-Members: $9; Senior/Student Discount: $1
>> off NM price
>> TICKETS: (800) 494-TIXS/
>> MORE INFO: Call 202-777-3248
>> Washington, DC: The Screening Room, the year-round repertory arm of the
>> Washington Jewish Film Festival, presents the film ZEHAVA BEN - THE
>> SOLITARY STAR. The film is presented in conjunction with The Washington
>> Jewish Music Festival.
>> Set amidst the political uncertainties of the late 1990's, Erez Laufer's
>> first-hand documentary chronicles the 1996 tour of Israeli chanteuse,
>> Zehava Ben. Singing in both Hebrew and Arabic, the Moroccan-born
>> vocalist has attracted fans throughout the Jewish and Arab world. Given
>> complete access to the singer, both on-stage and off, the film features
>> Ben performing in Jericho, Jerusalem and Paris just as violence
>> threatens to engulf the region. An intimate glimpse of life in Middle
>> East, ZEHAVA BEN - THE SOLITARY STAR is a hopeful testament to the
>> conciliatory power of song
>> The Screening Room is the year-round repertory film series of the
>> Washington Jewish Film Festival.
>> Both are programs of the DCJCC Morris Cafritz Center for the Arts.
>> ###
>> Joshua Speiser
>> Assistant Director, The Washington Jewish Film Festival
>> Director, The Screening Room
>> 1529 16th St. NW
>> Washington, DC 20036
>> (Tel) 202-777-3247
>> (Fax) 202-518-9420
>> josh (at) wjff(dot)org
>> *****************************************************************************
>> *****************************************************************************
>> Copyright (c) 2002, District of Columbia Jewish Community Center.
>> The contents of this mailing are for your personal use only.
>> Re-use of this material is prohibited without prior permission.
>> David Horowitz, Josh Speiser, and Jennifer Katz, Editors
>> *****************************************************************************
>> WJFFnews is the email newsletter of
>> The Washington Jewish Film Festival: An Exhibition of International Cinema
>> and The Screening Room, Our Year-Round Repertory Film Series
>> WJFF 13: December 5-15, 2002
>> Presented by the District of Columbia Jewish Community Center's
>> Morris Cafritz Center for the Arts
>> *****************************************************************************
>> Visit our Web site at
>> *****************************************************************************
>> For additional information about the Washington Jewish Film Festival,
>> visit our Web site at
>> *****************************************************************************
>> Washington Jewish Film Festival
>> District of Columbia Jewish Community Center
>> Morris Cafritz Center for the Arts
>> 1529 16th Street NW
>> Washington DC 20036
>> USA
>> info (at) wjff(dot)org
>> Voice
>> +1 202.777.3248
>> Fax
>> +1 202.518.9420
>> TDD
>> +1 202.518.0249
>> *****************************************************************************

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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