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Re: Yiddish Radio Project wins the Peabody Award

Yasher koyekh Henekh,

We look forward to your appearance at the IAYC Conference in September.

Sylvia Schildt

on 4/4/03 6:59 PM, Dan Peck at danpeck (at) panix(dot)com wrote:

> The Yiddish Radio Project, the 10 part series on the history of Yiddish
> broadcasting has won this years coveted Peabody prize.  The Peabody Award for
> Excellence in Electronic Media is considered the most selective and
> prestigious award in broadcast journalism. The Yiddish Radio series was
> produced by Dave Isay and Henry Sapoznik.
> From the press release issued by the University of Georgia's Grady College of
> Journalism and Mass Communication which awards the prize:
> "....A National Public Radio program special, "The Yiddish Radio Project," an
> exuberant celebration of memory, history, and nostalgia from Sound Portrait
> Productions provided the Peabody Board with some of its most enjoyable
> listening..."
> This is the first time in its 62 year history that a Peabody award has gone
> to a Yiddish program.
> The awards ceremony which take place at New York's Waldorf Astoria on May 19,
> will air on the A&E network in June.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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