Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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New Contact Information

Dear Wonderful List Members;
    After 4 wonderful years in Boston, I was handed my walking papers and 
graduated from College. So what do I do, move to NYC and sign up for another 
tour of duty, this time as a graduate student. Nothing like having to pack up 
and move a couple of hundred LP's of Jewish music, including at last count 12 
Dave Tarras discs'. Something I hope not to have to do again soon.
    So what am I attempting to tell you? I am available for your musical 
needs as a drummer/percussionist, music copyist, sound archivist,  
presentations on Jewish Music, and as an all around nice guy. Copies of my 
demo tape are available on request. (I can’t send it to you if I don’t know 
you want it.)

    Matt Temkin

mattflight (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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